Saturday, January 8, 2022

Omicron: Up to 10 lakh corona cases will come daily in India, IIS told - when will the peak come and when will it end

In the last 24 hours, 1,17,100 new cases of coronary disease have been reported in India.  In addition, 7 months later, there is an opportunity when the case is over 1 lakh  Recently, a mathematical model has been studied, based on the prediction of when the corona peak will be and when it will end.


 In the last 24 hours, more than 1 lakh new corona cases have been reported

 Omicron has more than 3,000 cases.

 The study has been asked when Corona will be at the top

 In India, corona is spreading rapidly  In the last 24 hours, 1,17,100 new coronary diseases have been reported in the country.  A total of 3,007 cases have been registered in the Oman region.  But 1,199 of them have also recovered  According to a new study, the third wave of corona in India is likely to reach its peak in the third and fourth week of January.  The study was conducted by the Indian Institute of Science and the Indian Statistical Institute team in Bangalore.  We need to be very careful.

 According to the study, from the beginning of March to the end of March, the number of cases of coronary heart disease will begin to decline.  That is, the daily incoming cases of Covid infection will start to go down the chart.  Scientists in many countries, including South Africa, have also suggested that coronary heart disease will increase rapidly due to Omicron and then reduce it at the same rate.

 The case is set to begin by March.

 The new study, based on mathematical modeling, estimates that in the third and fourth weeks of January, the coronavirus's Omicron variant will have the highest number of cases and will be reduced by the beginning of March.  This mathematical model also takes into account past infections, vaccinations, and weak defenses.  Despite the past infections and vaccinations, a large portion of the population can easily become victims of new species.  It is very important to take a booster dose

 Based on the South African Omicron case graph, researchers have estimated the height of the corona's third wave in India.

 3 lakh to 10 lakh cases

 According to the study, 3 lakhs, 6 lakhs or 10 lakhs of cases can be reported every day, which are easily caused by bacteria (such as sick, old and weak, low immunity).  Researchers say that if only 30 percent of the population were to be considered insecure or vulnerable to Covida, then that number would be lower than the number of cases reported during the second wave.

 As of January 6, 2022, the OMCR type of SARS-CoV-2 has affected more than 3,000 people in the country.  This number may be higher, because the genetic data found in DNA or RNA (genome sequence) are read and interpreted only in a few samples.

 Outbreak in Maharashtra and Delhi

 Maharashtra is currently witnessing the highest number of Omicron cases and is likely to reach the peak of the corona wave by the third week of January.  On the other hand, Maharashtra, the second-largest city in the country in terms of Omicron cases, may already be at its peak, as in the second week of January, Delhi may be at its peak and the situation may return to normal in the first week of February.  But for all of these estimates, when we consider 30 percent of the population to be vulnerable to Covid's risk.

 The peak of the corona wave in Laxmideep, Puducherry, Odisha and Punjab is likely to reach February.

 Compared to the researchers who are part of the National Covid-19 Supermodel Committee, what is being said by the team studying mathematical modeling will come soon based on the current situation.  The supermodel committee team said the peak could come at any time in early February


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