Saturday, December 25, 2021

What is the reason for the delay?

Why do we, as human beings, often behave in ways that we do not really want?  How many times have you just said or done something to think about it?  The truth is that your behavior is often driven by your unconscious mind, especially behavior that is difficult to interpret from an intellectual point of view, knowing the ability and desire to do what to delay, but still you do not.  Although there are many obvious reasons for the delay, the root cause of this irrational behavior is in your conscious mind.

 Your conscious mind is very limited in its ability to cope with life, with which your conscious control is limited, almost one at a time, so using your will to make any real change is seldom long-acting, whatever you have to do.  Changing automated behaviors that are in your unconscious mind, those parts of you that control all the important functions of your mind and body, you can try and overcome delays with willpower but this is usually a temporary change.  The reason for the delay is not your conscious action, but your unknown organization which is largely responsible for your behavior.
 Your nervous system is designed to save you, and when fear presents your nervous system, your subconscious mind will click, "to protect you."  Ironically, we train ourselves to be fearful of certain things by unknowingly, lying about money.  Nothing in life has any meaning but the meaning you give  You create a neural link with the experience in the letter which is "stored" in your neural system so that you can act quickly and accordingly at a later time.  Whenever something happens to you, you pay for it by communicating the experience yourself.  Unknowingly you are always trying to make money and at a basic level you are trying to decide if some money is pain or happiness.  This money is then stored in your unconscious mind which will help you to do the right thing in the future (or re-act), the challenge is to build trust when the associations are visible, which will greatly affect your behavior.  The reason

 Although delay does not make sense at all, it does reveal a lot about your ignorance and self-limitations.  The main reason for the delay is fear, and especially your fear that taking action will cause pain or some kind of painful feeling, at some point your unknown mind will combine its "file" to come up with a "link" that is a painful experience.  Related to, yes it can be physically painful starting with some things, even though you want to do something consciously, your consciousness will prevent you because it is related to work with pain.  As human beings we automatically reach for comfort and whatever feels comfortable at this moment will almost automatically arrive automatically.  Because of this you often delay tasks that do not feel right at the moment even though it will be more enjoyable in the future.

 Learning to push against this need for comfort creates all the growth that is really needed to produce results.  When you start to see the delay as a blessing in disguise;  You can start using it and accept the behavioral knowledge it holds for you, the delay reveals your fears, and the ability to grow your fears and develop what you really want for your life.  Provides the necessary resistance, the quality of your life is directly proportional to the amount of "dissatisfaction" that you can face comfortably, the delay can also shed some light on the goals that you value more, as you are more likely to think about delaying it.  Careful enough to worry about the part

 It is said that first we form our habits and then our habits form us, for the practice of the mind it is also true and the delay often manifests itself as a habitual thought, your thought helps you to create your work, a pattern carved in a record.  As such, every time your behavior “plays the same tone”, your organizations play an important role in your behavioral behavior for the sake of pain and happiness, in which you decide what to do or not to do, by repeating what you think you are doing.  The practice pattern will automatically return to you in a specific way once the frame is triggered.

 It is important to be aware of your organization for the pain and joy of dealing with the root cause of the pain.  There are many symptomatic solutions that will not produce a lasting result  Even though you have to use your willpower at the beginning, your goal is to re-establish your organization in the tasks you are avoiding, you can, can or will do whatever your heart desires to do so that you can overcome your self-esteem and take action.  |  Even though the real reason for the delay lies in your unknown mind, you are finally in control with your conscious work.

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